RW&SD Board passed an increase in the charges for completely new water hook-ups and new sewage hook-ups, this is if you are moving to a location that doesn't currently have a water or sewage connection to the RW&SD system. The cost has increased to $800 for water and $800 for sewage. The increase was voted in due to the fact that the current cost of materials is more than what we were charging for the hook-ups.
RW&SD regular monthly board meetings to the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
RW&SD Board has a delinquint account policy, if your account is 60 days past due you will receive a shut off notice and will need to pay the past due amount by the date on the notice or services will be disconnected and it will cost the past due amount plus and extra $40 for water and $40 for sewage to get services restored.