About Us

Ramah Water & Sanitation District is overseen and managed by 5 elected Board members. The RW&SD board manages the water services, sewage services, trash services and the transfer station in town. The Board is comprised of volunteers who live in the community. The Board is working to make improvements in the community. The RW&SD Board holds the members of the community and the services we provide to those community members as a top priority in our monthly meetings, discussions and decision making process. We also manage the Ramah Cemetery.

We have been working hard to become compliant with the state for testing and for our financial reporting. If any customer ever has an issue that needs to be addressed, please bring it to our attention and we can put it on the agenda for the next board meeting. Our goal is to provide the best service we can provide while keeping costs manageable. We are also aware that the systems we have in place need to function for the community for many years to come, as we consider any improvements and options for improvements to our water and sewage treatment systems.

Our operator has worked for RW&SD for many years. He is a dedicated employee, who is devoted to the community. He checks meters, repairs leaks, installs new meters, repairs our wells, ensures the sewage treatment plant is running properly, repairs roads, clears blockages and plows snow. He does many other tasks for the Ramah community as well. RW&SD is very fortunate to have him as our operator.

Michele is the secretary/office manager. She is a Marine Corps veteran and is commited to providing excellent customer service, along with performing all of her required duties with integrity and transparency. She is always willing to answer any questions you may have concerning your bill or the services RW&SD provides. Feel free to call or come by during office hours.

We have a few part time employees that work for RW&SD. You might see them mowing in town or picking up your weekly trash or taking in trash at the transfer station.